Is Your Plate MT?
The growing incidence of chronic illness continues to be one of today's most urgent health problems. Local and national health and wellness initiatives that translate nutrition and lifestyle knowledge into strategies, programs and policies that can help individuals make healthier choices are at the forefront of fighting this epidemic.
Wellspring's MT Plate Project is a multifaceted approach to teaching and applying nutritinal strategies for health. Based on the science of Metabolic Typing, this 12 week education program educates participants about the philosophy, efficacy and utilization of nutrition, lifestyle and behavior modification in the prevention and management of chronic illness.
MT Plate programs include:
18 hours of group instructions
12 hours of individual health coaching for each participant
- individual Metabolic Typing assessments
- 14 video MT specific companion course
- MT specific cookbooks
- and much more!!
Contact Wellspring TODAY to see how an MT Plate can help you live a full life!