Support Wellspring

As a non-profit organization, The Wellspring Organization depends on individuals like you.  Your financial support helps Wellspring offer the highest quality educational programs locally and nationwide.
Take advantage of one of the three different opportunities available for you to offer your support.



Pledge Your Support
Individual donations from people like you represent the largest source of support for The Wellspring Organization.  We invite you to show your support by making a tax-free donation today.


Support Wellspring

Wellspring's volunteers play a vital role in the successful operation of our programs.  Whether they are answering phones, assisting with special events or performing key administrative tasks, volunteers help make the business work.
Wellspring has opportunities for volunteers to serve alongside our staff, assisting with online and educational activities, helping with check-in/registration at Wellspring-hosted events and more. We also have opportunities for groups of 10 or more to assist in pledge drives as we raise funds for The Wellspring Organization.


Become a Wellspring Volunteer

Corporate Sponsorship
We are grateful to corporate sponsors who help make our services possible.  With the help of our dedicated and loyal corporate sponsors, Wellspring is able to provide you with the quality health education programs and services you expect.
For more information on Corporate Sponsorship opportunities, call us at 540-745-3030 or Email Us today!
Become a Corporate Sponsor